Protecting Wildlife

Starts TODAY

Our Problem

Discover the stark reality: one million species teeter on the brink of extinction within our lifetime, with habitat loss being the leading cause. Yet, hope glimmers on the horizon—by safeguarding and expanding wild spaces in biodiversity-rich areas, we hold the key to altering the fate of our planet's diminishing wildlife.

Together, let's embrace the challenge and secure a future where our planet's wildlife can truly "Live Wild."


our solution

Preserving and expanding wild spaces in biodiversity-rich regions stands as the ultimate solution to combat the decline of our planet's precious biodiversity.

Saving the wild

Together, we stand as the generation capable of reshaping the destiny of our planet's dwindling biodiversity. In South Africa, our endeavors in safeguarding wild spaces and the wildlife that calls it home have shown what's achievable.

Below are our steps in establishing major conservation projects. Join us in this vital mission.

Its about all of us

Humans protect what we love. By instilling a love for wildlife into peoples hearts, we can further create a need to save them. A healthy coexistence is truly possible between humans and wildlife where we all benefit. By addressing the challenges head-on and working together, we can pave the way for a sustainable and harmonious coexistence between humans and the natural world.